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Menopause Education and Support Course Dates 2024

Let's stop the confusion around mid life.


By attending this weekly group you will come away with evidence based lifestyle advice from a qualified Menopause Practitioner (Maxine!). We'll talk about what's happening in your body, and so why you feel the way you're feeling. We'll consider lifestyle changes that you can might make to manage the mayhem that is menopause.


You will feel supported and empowered to manage your peri menopause and menopause symptoms with lifestyle change, either instead of, or alongside your HRT. We'll discuss, weight gain, sleep, mood, hot flushes, brain fog, joint pain plus much more.


Each week there will be actionable tips and behaviour change techniques that you will be able to implement immediately. Some of these changes can be felt within a few days.


This will be a safe space where no question is too silly. Having the support of others is a vital of this group. The knowing that your not alone can help our mental health immensely and there’ll be lots of time for chats, questions and discussion.


Some ladies just stay for the length of the course, others decide to stay for longer.


Feel like YOU again... it might just be easier than you think.”


Managing the Mayhem of Menopause with Nutrition


8th, 15th & 22nd October

Tuesdays | 7pm-8:15pm




Fusion Yoga Studios

Ripley, Derbyshire




What Type, Amount & Intensity of Exercise Should I be Doing, now I'm on my Menopause Journey


5th & 12th November

Tuesdays | 7pm-8:15pm




Fusion Yoga Studios

Ripley, Derbyshire

If symptoms show up,
ask yourself..

"What is my body trying to say to me?"

“The connection with others, so relaxed, the quick fix tips which have literally changed my life in weeks. Max is so easy to get on with and listen to. I loved every session.”

Menopause course participant -Anonymous

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Hints & Tips

Here you can find hints and tips on a variety of subjects.

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